Friday, September 27, 2013

Another Busy Week In Kindergarten!

This week we learned about the letter "Pp". Principal Hays came in and read us a story.

On Tuesday we celebrated the letter "Pp" by having a PJ day.

On Wednesday we made apple books with our Chapel friends.

In the afternoon we tasted and graph red, green and yellow apples. Our class favorite was both the red and the green apple.

On Thursday we celebrated Johnny Appleseed Birthday.

We ended our week by spending the morning with our grandparents. The children got to make a craft and visit the different centers in our classroom. We all had a great time!

Friday, September 20, 2013

"Tt" is for Toys, Tools and Our First Field Trip!

This week for the letter "Tt" we got to bring in our favorite toy to share with the class.

 A big Thank-You to Brock Pages' family for donating the tool bench in memory of his Grandfather. The children are having a great time playing with it.

On Thursday we ended our bird unit by going on our first field trip to the World Bird Sanctuary.  We appreciate all the parents that went with us and we had a great time.

Thank-you  to Mrs. Anderson for being our Guest Reader on Friday.

Monday, September 16, 2013

"Hh" is for Hat, Horse, and Hula Hoop!

 We had a busy week learning about the letter "Hh". On Tuesday we celebrated by having Hat Day.

On Thursday Mrs. Vorthman brought in her saddle and bridle that she uses on her horse. She brought two middle school friends to help demonstrate how there are used.

During center time several of the boys built house out of Lincoln logs.

We ended our week with Hula Hoops with our chapel friends. We had a great week learning about the letter "Hh".

Friday, September 6, 2013

What A Great Week In Kindergarten!

This week we learned about the letter "Gg" and visited the country of Germany. Grace brought in her brother's project about the country of Germany.

 The class got to go to the library for the first time and check out books.

In Math this week the children had a great time counting, sorting, and making patterns with our Math manipulatives .


We ended our week with Mrs. Olivio as our guest reader.